
Fair trades forge of empire
Fair trades forge of empire

fair trades forge of empire fair trades forge of empire

As such if I were designing it I'd make same age and one age up/down staying at the current rates, and only from 2 ages downwards increase the amounts wanted/offered of the lower aged good. If they did open the amounts to a higher ratio then I'd be advocating that only the lower era can be traded at a higher amount and that it'd be based on the amount of ages apart rather then the age itself. If you are then there's a specific purpose in mind. Something which for ordinary play you don't normally need to jump 3 or more ages. Especially as it takes time to trade down between each age and most players aren't going to try to jump 3 ages at that kind of rate. Doesn't make it impossible, but it does to some extent make it take longer for push accounts then if you could do say - 16:1. The current ratios also limits abuse (depending on your definition of abuse).

Fair trades forge of empire